Michigan State University Extension
Preserving Food Safely - 01600153


  Summer  squash are usually not stored but can be  held  in
the refrigerator in a plastic bag for about 2 weeks.        

  Winter  squash  harvested without a stem  will  not  store
well.  Before being placed in the storage area,  the  fruits
must be  cured.   The area used  for  curing  should  have a
temperature of 75 to 80  degrees  Fahrenheit  and  good  air
circulation.  If  no  other  area  is  available,  place the
squash  near the  furnace.  Curing  will   harden  the rinds
and help heal  wounds but not bruises.                      

  After curing, which takes about 2 weeks, store the  squash
in  a dry place at 55  to  60  degrees  Fahrenheit.  If  the
temperature  is  greater  than  60 degrees  Fahrenheit,  the
squash will lose  moisture and become stringy.              

  Acorn squash are not cured, but when stored  at  45  to 50
degrees  Fahrenheit,  will  keep  35  to  50 days.  If acorn
squash are cured, they will dry out and become stringy.     

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