Michigan State University Extension
Preserving Food Safely - 01600499


Spoons-- used for stirring and spooning (wooden spoons for  
         stirring and packing; slotted spoons for lifting). 

Knives -- useful knives include  a paring knife, a sharp    
          chopping knife and a vegetable peeler             

Food Brushes -- used to wash food to be canned.             

Saucepans -- needed to heat lids.                           

Measuring   Cups   --  used  for dry (metal)  and  liquid   
        (glass) foods.  Sizes should range from 1/4  to     
        2 cups.                                             

Jelly  Bags-- used to strain juice from softened  fruit  and

Colander   or  strainer  --  good  for  draining  fruit   or
       vegetables after washing.                            

Tongs  --  used to remove canning lids from  hot  water  and
      putting the lids onto filled jars.                    

Scales -- used to measure food by weight; it should have a  
          25 pound food capacity.                           

Timer -- used to measure processing times accurately.       

Pressure  Canner  --  used  to can low  acid  food.  Can  be
          purchased with weighted or dial gauges.  Available
          in many sizes.  Purchase a canner that can hold   
          four quart jars or more.                          

Boiling  Water  Bath  Canner  -- used  to  can  acid  foods.
         Adequate height is important.                      

Crock  --  used to ferment food in pickling; should  be     
           clean and free of cracks.                        

Jar funnel -- used to avoid getting food on sealing surfaces
              of  jars and helps calculate appropriate  head
Jar  Lifter  --  used to remove  jars  from  canner.  Wooden
             handles protect users  hands from heat  and the
             plastic coating prevents jars from slipping.   

Plastic Spatula  -- used to run down sides of filled jars to
               release air bubbles without damaging the jar.
               Made of plastic.                             

Jars  --  For best results, use only canning jars.  Jars    
          come in a variety of sizes; select  sizes that    
          fit the needs of the household.                   

Lids -- Only standard lids should be used.                  

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