Michigan State University Extension
Preserving Food Safely - 01600538


  Pectin  is  a "gum" found naturally in fruits that  causes
jelly to gel. Tart apples, crab apples, sour plums,  Concord
grapes, quinces, gooseberries, red currants and  cranberries
are  especially  high  in  pectin.  Apricots,   blueberries,
cherries,  peaches, pineapple, rhubarb and strawberries  are
low  in pectin. Underripe fruit has more pectin  than  fully
ripe  fruit.  Jellies  and jams made  without  added  pectin
should use 1/4 underripe fruit.                             

  Many recipes call for the addition  of  pectin.  Pectin is
available  commercially either in powdered or  liquid  form.
These  two forms are not interchangeable, so  use  the  type
specified in the recipe.  Powdered pectin is mixed with  the
unheated  fruit  or  juice. Liquid pectin is  added  to  the
cooked  fruit  and  sugar mixture immediately  after  it  is
removed  from  the heat. When making jellies  or  jams  with
added  pectin,  use  fully-ripe fruit.                      

  Pectin  is concentrated in the skins and cores  of  fruit;
that is why some recipes call for those to be included.     

  Commercial  pectins  may  be used  with  any  fruit.  Many
homemakers prefer the added-pectin method for making jellied
fruit products because fully ripe fruit can be used, cooking
time is shorter and more precise and the yield from a  given
amount of fruit is greater.                                 

  Fruit  pectins  should be stored in a cool, dry  place  so
they  will keep their gel strength. they should not be  held
over from one year to the next.                             

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