Michigan State University Extension
Preserving Food Safely - 01600557


  For  brining or fermenting pickles, use a crock  or  stone
jar,  an unchipped enamel-lined pan, a large glass  bowl  or
jar,  or a food-grade plastic container.  Plastic containers
which  are  obviously  intended for food  use,  like  mixing
bowls, food keepers, or cake savers, are food grade.   Large
food-grade  plastic containers are available at  wine-making
supply  stores.  Do not use plastic pails or trash cans  for
brining  pickles.  Toxic compounds could migrate from  these
containers into the brine.                                  

  For  heating pickling liquids, use utensils  of  unchipped
enamelware, stainless steel, aluminum  or glass.  Do not use
copper, brass, galvanized or iron utensils.                 

  A  brine-filled  plastic  bag is an  effective  cover  for
sealing  the  brine  surface  and  keeping  out  air,   thus
preventing  the growth of yeast or mold.  The bag should  be
of heavyweight, watertight plastic and intended for use with
food.   Fill  the  bag with enough brine (6 tablespoons salt
to 1 gallon of water) to  form  a  tight-fitting  cover over
the cabbage or cucumbers.  Tie it tightly so  the water will
not leak out.                                               

  For  added protection, place the brine-filled  bag  inside
another  heavyweight,  watertight plastic bag  intended  for
food  use.    Check  the  bags  daily  for  leaks.   Replace
leaking bags.                                               

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