Michigan State University Extension
Preserving Food Safely - 01600642


    Dried chives  are  not  as  flavorful  as fresh  chives,
since  chives  lose much of their flavor  when dried.  A pot
of chives is easy  to  keep  inside  and  is  productive all

    To dry chives,  cut tops  from the plant before  flowers
form.  Chop in  1/4-inch  pieces.  Do not wash,  but discard
any dirty pieces.                                           

CHIVES - DEHYDRATOR                                         

    Spread chives in a thin  layer over trays and dry at  no
more  than   110 degrees Fahrenheit  until  brittle,  4 to 6


     Spread  chives in a thin layer over trays.   Dry  in  a
well ventilated area out of sunlight 8 to 10 hours.         

CHIVES-OVEN OR HOMEMADE DRYER                               

     Spread  chives in a thin layer over trays.   Dry at not
more  than  110  degrees  Fahrenheit  for 4 to 6 hours until
crisp, keeping door ajar.                                   


     Dried  chives  add  a mild onion flavor to  salads  and
casseroles.   Sprinkle  1  tablespoon dried chives  over  an
omelet before cooking or into 2 eggs to be scrambled.  Add 1
tablespoon  with  each cup of milk in a white sauce  to  add
flavor and color.                                           

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