Michigan State University Extension
Preserving Food Safely - 01600889


     Use only firm fruits naturally high in pectin.   Select
a mixture of about 3/4 ripe and l/4 underripe fruit.  Do not
use  commercially  canned  or frozen  fruit  juices.   Their
pectin  content  is  too low.  Wash  all  fruits  thoroughly
before  cooking.  Crush soft fruits or berries;  cut  firmer
fruits  into small pieces.  Using the peels and  cores  adds
pectin  to  the juice during cooking.  Add water  to  fruits
that  require  it,  as listed in the  table  of  ingredients
below.  Put fruit and water in large saucepan and bring to a
boil.  Then simmer according to the times below until  fruit
is soft, while stirring to prevent scorching.  One pound  of
fruit should yield at least l cup of clear juice.           

EXTRACTING JUICES AND MAKING JELLY                          

     To Extract Juice                                       
                               Ingredients          YIELD   
Cups of Water    Minutes       Added to Each Cup    From 4  
To Be Added      to Simmer     of Strained Juice    Cups of 
Per Pound       Fruit Before                        Juice   
of Fruit        Extracting     Sugar  Lemon Juice   (Half-  
                  Juice          (Cups)   (Tsp.)     pints) 

Apples          20 to 25       3/4        l-l/2(opt) 4 to 5 
Blackberries     5 to l0       3/4 to l   None       7 to 8 
(None or 1/4)                                               
Crabapples      20 to 25       l          None       4 to 5 
Grapes           5 to l0       3/4 to l   None       8 to 9 
(None or 1/4)                                               
Plums           l5 to 20       3/4        None       8 to 9 

     When  fruit is tender, strain through a colander,  then
strain through a double layer of cheesecloth or a jelly bag.
Allow  juice to drip through, using a stand or  colander  to
hold  the bag.  Pressing or squeezing the bag or cloth  will
cause cloudy jelly.                                         

     Using no more than 6 to 8 cups of extracted fruit juice
at  a  time,  measure fruit juice, sugar   and  lemon  juice
according to the ingredients in the table above and heat  to
boiling.  Stir until the sugar is dissolved.  Boil over high
heat to the jellying point.  To test jelly for doneness, use
one of the following methods.                               

     TEMPERATURE TEST--Use a jelly or candy thermometer  and
boil  until mixture  reaches the following  temperatures  at
altitudes of:                                               

Sea   l000   2000   3000   4000  5000   6000   7000   8000  
Lev.   Ft.    Ft.    Ft.    Ft.   Ft.    Ft.    Ft.    Ft.  

220 F  218 F  216 F  214 F  212 F 211 F  209 F  207 F  205 F

     SHEET  OR SPOON TEST--Dip a cool metal spoon  into  the
boiling  jelly  mixture.  Raise  the spoon  about  l2 inches
above  the  pan  (out of steam).   Turn  the  spoon  so  the
liquid  runs off  the side.  The  jelly is   done  when  the
syrup  forms  two  drops that flow  together  and  sheet  or
hang off the edge of the spoon.                             

     Remove from heat and quickly skim off foam.   Fill  hot
sterile  jars  (see  directions  below for sterilizing jars)
with jelly.  Use a measuring cup or ladle the jelly  through
through a wide-mouthed funnel, leaving   1/4-inch headspace.
Adjust lids and process.                                    

Sterilization of Empty Jars                                 

     To sterilize empty jars, place them right  side  up  on
the rack in  a  boiling-water canner.  Fill  the  canner and
jars with  hot  (not boiling) water to 1 inch above the tops
of the  jars.   Boil  10  minutes  at altitudes of less than
1,000 feet.  At higher elevations,  boil 1 additional minute
for each additional 1,000 feet elevation.   Remove and drain
hot sterilized jars one at a time as filled.                


Process Times at Altitudes of                               

of       Jar     0-           1001-             6001-       
Pack     Size    1000 ft.     6000 ft.          8000 ft.    

Hot  Half-pints  5 min.       10                15          

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