Michigan State University Extension
Preserving Food Safely - 01600956


     Recipes  for  pickles with reduced sodium  content  are
provided  in  the  data base. In the  making  of  fresh-pack
pickles, cucumbers are acidified quickly with vinegar.   Use
only  tested  recipes  formulated  to  produce  the   proper
acidity.   While these pickles may be prepared  safely  with
reduced  or no salt, their quality may be noticeably  lower.
Both  texture  and flavor may be slightly,  but  noticeably,
different  than  expected.  You  may  wish  to  make   small
quantities first to determine if you like them.             

     The  salt  used  in  making  fermented  sauerkraut and 
brined pickles not only provides characteristic  flavor but 
also  is  vital to safety and  texture.   In  fermented     
foods,  salt favors the growth of desirable  bacteria  while
inhibiting  the growth of others.  Caution:  Do not  attempt
to  make sauerkraut or fermented pickles by cutting back  on
the salt required.                                          

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