Michigan State University Extension
Preserving Food Safely - 01600957


     Alum  may be safely used to firm  fermented  cucumbers.
However,  it  is  unnecessary and is  not  included  in  the
recipes.   The  calcium in lime definitely  improves  pickle
firmness.   Food-grade  lime  may be used  as  a  lime-water
solution  for soaking fresh cucumbers 12 to 24 hours  before
pickling  them.  Excess lime absorbed by the cucumbers  must
be  removed  to make safe pickles.  To remove  excess  lime,
drain  the lime-water solution, rinse, and then  resoak  the
cucumbers in fresh water for 1 hour.  Repeat the rinsing and
soaking  steps  two more times.  To further  improve  pickle
firmness, you may process cucumber pickles for 30 minutes in
water  at  180  degrees  Fahrenheit  when  indicated  by the
procedure.  This process also  prevents  spoilage,   but the
water  temperature   should  not  fall   below  180  degrees
Fahrenheit.   Use  a candy or jelly thermometer to check the
water temperature.                                          

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