Phone:1-877-925-2929 toll free
or (250) 392-7119_OR_
Fax: 1-877-925-2929 toll free
_OR_earthRight - Solareagle
79F North Third Avenue
Williams Lake, BC
V2G 2A3
Privacy Guarantee:
• We keep all your personal information very secure.
• We do not share, sell, give away or dispose of anything that would identify you in anyway.
• Any ordering information we have is used only to process your order.
• We will not contact you for any reason other than to facilitate the delivery of your order.
We will add your phone # to the shipping label to help the courier deliver your order.
If you do not wish to have your phone number on the shipping label, please notify us when you confirm
your purchase by email.Our store address is:
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